Marco Zanobini

Founder member
Marco Zanobini
Graduated in Pisa, specialised at the University of Milan, where he also earned a PhD, and developed most of his professional experience in France (CHU Toulouse) and Belgium (OLV Aalst).
+25 Years


Pisano, in love with Pisa and the Pisa football team. Married, loving father of Michel, he enjoys reading, music and everything that is beautiful and gives energy. He devotes himself every day to the surgical treatment of adult heart disease. He specialises in the reparative treatment of valvular diseases and is considered one of the leading interpreters and connoisseurs of mitral pathology. He graduated in Pisa, specialised at the University of Milan, where he also earned a PhD, and developed his professional experience mainly in France (CHU Toulouse) and Belgium (OLV Aalst). He has always been attentive to the clinical needs and requirements of those who, for many reasons, cannot afford direct access to healthcare. His greatness of spirit comes before his undisputed professional qualities.